Garden Blog

Garden Blog2023-06-20T14:41:06-06:00
205, 2020

The Garden Journal Podcast: May 2, 2020

May 2, 2020|Garden Blog|

The Garden Journal on KSFR 101.1FM A lively, entertaining, and informative gardening radio talk show with four rotating hosts each month. Each week we talk with local, regional, or national experts about timely gardening and environmental topics relevant to Santa [...]

404, 2020

The Garden Journal Podcast: April 4, 2020

April 4, 2020|Garden Blog|

The Garden Journal on KSFR 101.1FM A lively, entertaining, and informative gardening radio talk show with four rotating hosts each month. Each week we talk with local, regional, or national experts about timely gardening and environmental topics relevant to Santa [...]

2303, 2020

Staying Connected

March 23, 2020|Garden Blog, Press Releases|

Staying Connected During COVID-19 The Santa Fe Botanical Garden is dedicated to keeping our community connected during this time of social distancing. Here are a few resources for you and your home gardens! Join our social media community! Email photos [...]

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