Garden Blog

Garden Blog2023-06-20T14:41:06-06:00
202, 2019

The Garden Journal Podcast: February 2, 2019

February 2, 2019|Garden Blog|

The Garden Journal on KSFR 101.1FM A lively, entertaining, and informative gardening radio talk show with four rotating hosts each month. Each week we talk with local, regional, or national experts about timely gardening and environmental topics relevant to Santa [...]

501, 2019

The Garden Journal Podcast: January 5, 2019

January 5, 2019|Garden Blog|

The Garden Journal on KSFR 101.1FM A lively, entertaining, and informative gardening radio talk show with four rotating hosts each month. Each week we talk with local, regional, or national experts about timely gardening and environmental topics relevant to Santa [...]

112, 2018


December 1, 2018|Garden Blog, Santa Fe Gardening|

By Donita L. Frazier, DVM, PhD Creating the hardscape for Ojos y Manos Garden during winter 2016. Photo: Clayton Bass Cold winter mornings are the perfect times to dream about new garden projects. Hardscape projects and landscape cleanup [...]

112, 2018

The Garden Journal Podcast: December 1, 2018

December 1, 2018|Garden Blog|

The Garden Journal on KSFR 101.1FM A lively, entertaining, and informative gardening radio talk show with four rotating hosts each month. Each week we talk with local, regional, or national experts about timely gardening and environmental topics relevant to Santa [...]

311, 2018

The Garden Journal Podcast: November 3, 2018

November 3, 2018|Garden Blog|

The Garden Journal on KSFR 101.1FM A lively, entertaining, and informative gardening radio talk show with four rotating hosts each month. Each week we talk with local, regional, or national experts about timely gardening and environmental topics relevant to Santa [...]

111, 2018

Thank You, Nina Katz!

November 1, 2018|Garden Blog|

Nina Katz Many of you have met Nina Katz, our New Mexico Youth Conservation Core (NMYCC) Lead. This month, we will have to say “so-long, farewell” to Nina as her 6-month term with us is ending. Nina has been [...]

610, 2018

The Garden Journal Podcast: October 6, 2018

October 6, 2018|Garden Blog|

The Garden Journal on KSFR 101.1FM A lively, entertaining, and informative gardening radio talk show with four rotating hosts each month. Each week we talk with local, regional, or national experts about timely gardening and environmental topics relevant to Santa [...]

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