July 19, 2012
Today the Santa Fe Garden Club presents a check in the amount of $25,000 to the Santa Fe Botanical Garden toward their capital campaign for the Orchard Gardens. This contribution funds the North Meadow Grove — a memorial garden.
Photos courtesy of Peter Weiss
The Santa Fe Garden Club is one of 196 affiliates of the Garden Clubs of America. Among the overall purposes of these clubs is to stimulate the knowledge and love of gardening and to restore, improve and protect the quality of the environment through programs and action in the fields of conservation, civic improvement and education.
The Santa Fe Garden Club gives financial support to organizations in our community and northern New Mexico. Santa Fe Garden Club also maintains and supports the gardens of the Santa Fe Museum of Art as well as the Museum of Spanish Colonial Arts. The sculpture garden at the Museum of Indian Arts and Culture was planted by the Santa Fe Garden Club.
How does the Santa Fe Garden Club raise funds for their work? It’s sole fund raising activity is BEHIND ADOBE WALLS — Santa Fe’s oldest and most prestigious HOME and GARDEN tours. These tours take place every year on the third and fourth Tuesday of July. The 2012 BEHIND ADOBE WALLS tour take place Tuesday, July 24 and Tuesday, July 31.
For further information visit the club’s website: www.thesantafegardenclub.org.