Plant of the Month

Plant of the Month2022-09-07T12:07:25-06:00
2106, 2024

JULY : apricot : Prunus armeniaca

June 21, 2024|Plant of the Month|

Scientific name: Prunus armeniaca Common name: apricot Family: Roseace (rose) Life form: Herbaceous perennial plants or annual plants (depending on species) Article by Linda Churchill, Director of Horticulture Disclaimer: Apricot is this author’s favorite tree (and fruit). Along with the [...]

2504, 2024

MAY : cosmos : Cosmos species

April 25, 2024|Plant of the Month|

Genus: Cosmos Common name: cosmos Family: Asteraceae Life form: Herbaceous perennial plants or annual plants (depending on species) Article by Peggy Rudberg The word cosmos evokes stunning images of nebula and galaxies. Translated from the Greek kosmos as "order" or [...]

2502, 2024

MARCH : ‘Panchito’ manzanita : Arctostaphylos × coloradensis ‘Panchito’

February 25, 2024|Plant of the Month|

Scientific name: Arctostaphylos × coloradensis 'Panchito' Common name: 'Panchito' manzanita Family: Ericaceae (Heath) Distribution: Cultivar discovered in Colorado Hardiness: USDA Zones 4b -8 Life form: Shrub/sub-shrub Article by Eva Maria Räpple Description Arctostaphylos × coloradensis 'Panchito'. Photo: Cristina Salvador Little pink-white [...]

2710, 2023

NOVEMBER : mullein : Verbascum thapsus

October 27, 2023|Plant of the Month|

Scientific name: Verbascum thapsus L. Common name: mullein, common mullein, wooly mullein, barbasco Family: Scrophulariaceae (Figwort) Verbascum thapsus flowers. Photo credit: Suzanne CadwellCC BY-NC 4.0. N.C. Cooperative Extension. Native distribution:  Eurasia, North Africa Habitat: Disturbed areas, plains, hillsides, [...]

2507, 2023

AUGUST : tumbleweed : Salsola tragus

July 25, 2023|Plant of the Month|

Scientific name: Salsola tragus L. Common names: tumbleweed, Russian thistle, tumbling thistle Photo by Max Licher. SEINet Portal Network. 2023. http// Accessed on July 25. Family: Amaranthaceae (Amaranth family) Life form: Annual plant, reproducing by seed, stems are [...]

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