September 1, 2016
As Santa Fe is transitioning into fall the blue skies and cloud formations have been magnificent and the autumn blooming plants are coming alive at Santa Fe Botanical Garden at Museum Hill. A fall standout is Muhlenbergia reverchonii ‘Autumn Embers’ with its pinkish-reddish flowers, planted in groups or massing, is simply ethereal and poetic. One could imagine groups of ‘Autumn Embers’ muhly grass, alternating with Agave parryi, would be quite interesting – a contrasting of ethereal feel and light with the structured Agave.
Another wonderful composition is the eye catching Salvia ‘Rasberry Delight’ combined with the blue flowering Aster × frikartii ‘Monch’ and yellow flowering Hartweg’s sundrops (Calylophus hartwegii ssp. fendleri) – a cheerful combination of color.
Not to be missed is the new planting just before you arrive to Kearny’s Gap Bridge of the native Rocky Mountain penstemon (Penstemon strictus) with its dark green glossy leaves and deep purple flowers, truly exquisite!
For a country cottage garden, the climbing fragrant ‘New Dawn’ rose is looking lovely. Perhaps combined with the orange flowered ‘Pat Austin’ rose and the prolific ROZANNE geranium would be a delightful combo.
Don’t forget to check out the cactus area. The salmon-red color of the fruit of the Klein’s cholla is not to be missed. One can imagine this cactus in mass.
Joan Grabel Biography
Joan Grabel is a landscape designer in Santa Fe, NM and Los Angeles, California