Partners & Network
Santa Fe Botanical Garden is a proud member of the American Public Gardens Association, American Alliance of Museums, American Horticultural Society, Santa Fe Chamber of Commerce, Sentinel Plant Network, and Museum Hill Partners.

Sentinel Plant Network
We are committed to stop the spread of high-consequence plant pests and pathogens
We are pleased to announce that Santa Fe Botanical Garden has joined the Sentinel Plant Network (SPN), a partnership of the American Public Gardens Association and the National Plant Diagnostic Network that is focused on engaging public garden professionals, volunteers, and visitors in the early detection of high-consequence plant pests and pathogens.
The SPN hosts series of workshops to train public garden staff about regional plant pests and diseases, demonstrate best practices of scouting and reporting and to showcase SPN educational outreach materials. Our garden was able to send Cristina Salvador (Collections Manager) to participate in regional workshops in 2012 and 2013. At these workshops, Cristina and the other participants learned how to use SPN training modules and other resources in their garden’s internal operations and public programming.
As a member of the SPN, we are contributing to the early detection of and rapid response to plant pests and pathogens through the following activities:
- Our trained staff & volunteers perform routine scouting for pests/pathogens in our collections and natural areas
- We collect and submit samples of pest and pathogens for diagnosis as needed
- We complete reports on scouting activity and sample submissions
- We offer “First Detector” training session for community members
If you are interested in volunteering as a monitor, receiving training, or have additional questions, please contact Santa Fe Botanical Garden’s SPN contact, Cristina Salvador, Collections Manger at (505) 471-9103 or via email.
Become a Plant Hero!
The Sentinel Plant Network (SPN) is interested in protecting plants by preventing the spread of bad bugs and fungi. To get some help on their mission, SPN decided to recruit a team of young, talented Heroes to help battle bad, beastly bugs and freaky, fighting fungi. SPN learned about Aponi, Frankie, Laura, and Nate’s passion for nature from their teachers, families, and friends, and invited them to come together as a team of “Plant Heroes” to detect and combat bugs and diseases that harm plants and ecosystem health.
SPN needs your help, too!
The more you know about the pests and diseases that threaten your region, the more you can protect the plants in your own yard and neighborhood. Explore the Plant Heroes website to learn more about what to look for and how to report pests and diseases, and then you, too, can be an important part of the Plant Heroes team!
Future projects include
Plant labels with pest and pathogen information accessed via QR code from your smartphone or mobile device.