Friday, October 4
It was a happy hardworking day, when 20 volunteers planted 4700 bulbs in the Orchard Meadow!
We planted 800 Scilla sibirica (Siberian Squill), 800 Chionodoxa forbesii (Glory of the Snow), and about 3100 Muscari armeniacum (Grape Hyacinth). These are all dainty but tough low- blooming varieties that often naturalize in areas where they’re planted. Come April we’ll see a 25-foot circle of bright blue blooms in the center of the Orchard, next year and for many years to come.
The Botanical Garden provided snacks and hot coffee to ward off the morning chill, and the volunteers worked the magic with their drills and trowels.

Photo by Gary Smith

Photo by Gary Smith

Photo by Gary Smith

Photo by Gary Smith