May 2023
By Linda Churchill, Horticulture Director
After much planning (and planting) we are delighted to announce we have a new pollinator garden on site!
On May 20th a group of Volunteer Gardeners worked with Linda to plant over 100 plants of over 40 species, in the Arroyo Overlook (behind the Horno Plaza in Ojos y Manos: Eyes and Hands Garden) and adjacent areas.
Thanks to a grant from the Carroll Petrie Foundation, we worked with a local contractor to build up the rock retaining wall on the south side of this garden space. The irrigation to the area was also improved, and soil brought in to create a more level planting bed.
We scoured native pollinator plant lists from a variety of sources this winter to compile a wish list of native plants that attract and support pollinators of varied types. Several of these plants were already represented in other planting beds throughout the Garden, but we added new species to create a garden that will be jam-packed with color, nectar, and pollen April through October, and shelter year-round.

Rock delivery on March 1, 2023
Planting complete! Now grow, grow, grow!
Some of the young plants need protection from rabbits and are grown in cages their first year until they are bigger.
The addition of “bug hotels” in gardens on both sides of the bridge will offer even more spaces for insect protection and reproduction throughout the season.

Bug hotel
We hope you’ll have a chance to visit our newly planted Pollinator Overlook Garden in the coming months!
We greatly appreciate support from Carroll Petrie Foundation to making this project possible. Additional thanks to Daniel and Susan Nickelson for support to purchase native pollinator plants. This Native Plant Terrace is “a place to honor free and independent spirits” and is named in honor of the Nickelson Family in remembrance of Joel.
Plant list:
Botanical name | Common name |
Asclepias asperula | spider milkweed |
Asclepias speciosa | showy milkweed |
Asclepias subverticillata | horsetail milkweed |
Asclepias tuberosa | butterfly weed |
Dalea purpurea | purple prairie clover |
Engelmannia peristenia | Engelmann daisy |
Erigeron linearis | desert yellow fleabane |
Eriogonum umbellatum ‘Poncha Pass’ | ‘Poncha Pass’ red sulfur buckwheat |
Eriogonum wrightii | bastard sage |
Gaillardia aristata | blanketflower |
Gaillardia pulchella | blanketflower |
Ipomoea leptophylla | bush morning glory |
Liatris punctata | dotted blazing star |
Mirabilis multiflora | four o’clock |
Penstemon linarioides | toadflax penstemon |
Penstemon neomexicanus | New Mexico beardtongue |
Penstemon palmeri | Palmer’s penstemon |
Penstemon pseudospectabilis | desert penstemon |
Penstemon virens | Front Range penstemon |
Philadelphus lewisii ‘PWY01S’ CHEYENNE® | CHEYENNE® mock orange |
Philadelphus microphyllus | little leaf mock orange |
Physaria sp. | bladderpod species unknown |
Ratibida columnifera | prairie coneflower |
Salvia azurea | azure blue sage |
Salvia dorrii | purple sage |
Scabrethia scabra | mule’s ears |
Solidago sp. | goldenrod species unknown |
Stanleya pinnata | desert princes’ plume |
Symphyotrichum ericoides | white heath aster |
Tetraneuris scaposa | stemmed four-nerve daisy |