School Programs

Fall and Spring field trip requests open August 5th for the 2024/2025 school year. No field trips will be booked August 5th – 23rd.

Bring your students to the Santa Fe Botanical Garden to engage directly with the natural world. Garden educators will lead your students through hands-on experiences that will inspire a sense of wonder and instill a deep understanding of their connection with nature.

  • Educator-led field trips are scheduled Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10AM ONLY.
    • Fall season: August 26th up to November 15th.
    • Spring season: First week of April until last week of May.
  • Reservations are on a first-come, first-serve basis and subject to availability.
  • Schools are responsible for booking their own transportation.
  • Scholarships are available for Title 1 schools, grades 3rd-5th only.
  • Fee pays for, admission, educator’s time, supplies and materials for up to 40 students.
  • Maximum number of students per day/field trip: 40
  • Field trip requests must be made at least 2 weeks in advance of the date requested.
  • Two weeks prior to your scheduled field trip, Garden staff will email you an info packet that will include a Photography Release and Liability Waiver that all students must have signed by a parent or legal guardian. These signed documents must be returned BEFORE the day of your field trip via email (scan and send). If we do not receive your waivers before the day of your field trip, your field trip will be cancelled.

For more information, contact [email protected].

If you are interested in providing scholarship assistance to our schools so that students may attend a field trip at the Botanical Garden, please contact Christie Collins via email: [email protected] Thank you!

School field trip rates

Self-guided, K-12 (up to 40 students) $150
Educator -led, K-8th (up to 40 students) $200
  • Maximum number of students per day/field trip: 40
  • All Educator-led field trips are scheduled to begin at 10am.
  • Educator-led field trip reservations occur on Tuesday and Thursday ONLY.

To request a field trip please fill out the form below.

Your Contact Information

Field Trip Information

Program  you are requesting:

No program: Self Guided
Grade K: Know your neighbors: Who Lives in the Garden?
Grade 1: The Secret Life of a Plant
Grade 2: Pollinators: The Buzz about Bees
Grade 3: Survivor: Wildlife Edition
Grade 4: Wild New Mexico: Mammal Mania
Grade 5: Eco-Scientists
Grade 6: Catching Some Rays
Grade 7: Soil Scientists Dig Dirt!
Grade 8: Earth to Humans, are you listening?

Date options: Please pick 3 dates in order of preference

(Note: No fieldtrip registrations on Monday, Wednesday, Friday or holidays)