Plant of the Month

Plant of the Month2022-09-07T12:07:25-06:00
106, 2021

JUNE : violet species : Viola spp.

June 1, 2021|Plant of the Month|

Scientific name: Common names: Viola canadensis Canadian white violet, Canada violet, tall white violet Viola adunca dog violet, hooked spur violet, early blue violet, sand violet, western dog violet Viola orbiculata darkwoods violet, roundleaf violet Viola tricolor var. hortensis pansy, [...]

104, 2021

APRIL : Santa Fe phlox : Phlox nana

April 1, 2021|Plant of the Month|

Scientific Names: Phlox nana Nutt. and Phlox nana ‘Perfect Pink’ Suggested pronunciation: floks  NAN-uh Common names: Santa Fe phlox, white-eyed phlox, canyon phlox, Santa Fe phlox ‘Perfect Pink’ Family: Polemoniaceae (phlox) Suggested pronunciation:  po-le-moh-nee-AY-see-ee Article by Janice Tucker Several years ago [...]

103, 2021

MARCH : piñon pine : Pinus edulis

March 1, 2021|Plant of the Month|

Scientific name: Pinus edulis Engelm. Synonym: P. cembroides var. edulis (Engelm.) Voss Suggested pronunciation: PY-nus Ed-yew-liss Common names: piñon pine, pinyon pine, two-needle pinyon, Colorado pinyon, American pinon, piñon Family:  Pinaceae Article by Jeanne Gozigian Piñon in natural setting. [...]

101, 2021

JANUARY : sideoats grama : Bouteloua curtipendula

January 1, 2021|Plant of the Month|

Scientific name:  Bouteloua curtipendula (Michx.) Torr. Suggested pronunciation: boo-te-LOO-uh  kurt-ih-PEN-dyoo-luh Varieties: B. curtipendula var. curtipendula  and B. curtipendula var. caespitosa Suggested pronunciation of varieties: kurt-ih-PEN-dyoo-luh,  kess-pi-TOH-suh           Common name: sideoats grama (sometimes spelled side-oats) Family: Poaceae (grass) Suggested pronunciation: poh-AY-see-ee USDA [...]

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