Garden Blog

Garden Blog2023-06-20T14:41:06-06:00
3004, 2022

Arroyo Sculptural Restoration-Week 3 of 6

April 30, 2022|Garden Blog|

April 30, 2022 Craig Sponholtz and his Watershed Artisans crew represent a unique blend of erosion control expertise, with inspiration as being “land/earth artisans.” Photo: Rick Herrman This project, on the west shelf of the Piñon Juniper Woodland [...]

2504, 2022

Let the Sun Shine

April 25, 2022|Garden Blog|

April 25, 2022 Perhaps you’ve wondered about the principal ways the Garden tangibly delivers its Mission of celebrating, cultivating and conserving our region’s rich botanical heritage and biodiversity? Those ways are through education, community service, presentation of the arts and [...]

2402, 2022

A Glimpse of Docent Training

February 24, 2022|Garden Blog|

February 24, 2022 The 2022 season of docent training is well underway with 18 new and continuing docents. This multi-session training takes place in person and in the Garden in February and March. Topics range from natural science, ethnobotany, and [...]

1401, 2022

Public Garden Tours

January 14, 2022|Garden Blog|

January 14, 2022 Grab your walking shoes, a sun hat, and stop by! We are again offering regularly scheduled Public Garden Tours providing a family-friendly introduction to the Santa Fe Botanical Garden. Topics may vary depending on the guide, though [...]

2312, 2021

Winter Watering in a Drought

December 23, 2021|Garden Blog|

December 23, 2021 By Linda Churchill Maybe we can’t water everything. As I drive in and around Santa Fe, through the foothills of my beloved Tesuque and down Old Santa Fe Highway on the southeast side, across the mesas northwest [...]

412, 2021

Leonora Curtin Wetland Preserve

December 4, 2021|Garden Blog|

December 4, 2021 To the Santa Fe Botanical Garden community, As most of you are aware, the Garden has managed the Leonora Curtin Wetland Preserve (the “Wetland Preserve”) since 1993 under consecutive leases from the property's owner, El Rancho de [...]

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