DECEMBER: Invertebrate of the Month
Photo credit: Lars Emil J. Dunseth Io Moth: The Mysterious Moth New Mexico is home to the dazzling and mysterious Io moth (Automeris io). Known for its vibrant coloration and striking defensive adaptations, this silk moth is also [...]
OCTOBER: Invertebrate of the Month
The Spotted Orbweaver: Nature’s Web-Building Wonder Neoscona crucifera, commonly known as the Spotted Orbweaver or Cross Orbweaver, due to the cross-shaped marking on its abdomen. This impressive species is found across much of the United States. These spiders are extraordinary [...]
AUGUST: Invertebrate of the Month
Leafhopper Assassin Bug (Zelus renardii) photo: Christie Collins The Leafhopper Assassin Bug (Zelus renardii): An Unsung Hero of New Mexico Gardens New Mexico’s diverse ecosystems are home to a fascinating array of wildlife, and among the most intriguing [...]
JUNE: Invertebrate of the Month
June - Painted Lady Butterfly Scientific name: Vanessa cardui Dorsal or upper side of Painted Lady, Purple Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea) By Jean-Pol GRANDMONT Common name: Painted Lady Family: Nymphalidae The Painted Lady Butterfly: A Springtime Visitor In [...]
APRIL: Invertebrate of the Month
April - Morrison's Bumble Bee Scientific name: Bombus morrisoni Common name: Morrison's Bumble Bee Family: Apidae It’s April and spring is in the air! As plants begin to reemerge from the soil and those early bloomers start to bud, this [...]
FEBRUARY: Invertebrate of the Month
February - Goldenrod Crab Spider Scientific name: Misumena vatia Common name: Goldenrod Crab Spider Family: Thomisidae Starting off our new blog for Invertebrate of the Month is the beautiful Goldenrod Crab Spider or Flower Spider, Misumena vatia, a member of [...]