Ground breaking ceremony on July 20, 2012, when the Santa Fe Garden Club presented a generous check to the SFBG. Linda Milbourn is center left, holding the check. Photo courtesy of Philip Metcalf.
July 19, 2019
Letter to the Editor, Santa Fe New Mexican
In Memory and Appreciation of Linda Milbourn
On behalf of the Santa Fe Botanical Garden’s Board of Directors, staff and volunteers, we acknowledge the passing of Linda Milbourn who served in various capacities, including Executive Director, from 2003 until 2014. During Linda’s years of service, the realization of building a botanical garden on Museum Hill was achieved with the opening of the Orchard Gardens in 2013. Under her leadership, the organization engaged nationally-recognized landscape architect, W. Gary Smith, to design the new garden and leased eleven acres of state-owned property on Museum Hill for its creation.
Linda’s passion to achieve the dream of a Botanical Garden in Santa Fe was matched in her partnership with a committed Board of Directors, talented staff, and loyal volunteers. She was a kind and caring person who loved Santa Fe with a passion, and was beloved by many friends. Our entire community, for generations to come, will benefit from her efforts, along with the commitment of so many Garden supporters, to assure the Santa Fe Botanical Garden enriches our city through its educational offerings and authentic beauty. Today the Botanical Garden continues to add new garden areas and welcomes more than 60,000 visitors annually, as it engages more than 25,000 youth and adults through its gardening, wellness, and environmental education offerings.
Linda will be remembered with great fondness and appreciation for her efforts to help create the Santa Fe Botanical Garden, a lasting treasure for our City.
Clayton Bass, President and CEO

At Linda’s retirement party, she was presented with this T-shirt which recognized her unique role in nurturing the organization and getting construction under way for Phase 1. Sine qua non — “without which nothing.” Photo courtesy of Philip Metcalf.