Our Garden Explorer includes the curated plant collections of the Santa Fe Botanical Garden at Museum Hill.

How to Search the Garden Explorer

Specify one or more search criteria. Name can be given in part or fully. Press the Search button. Choose a taxon from the search result list to show more information. If the search results in 0 hits, try to reduce the number of search criteria or enter a smaller part of the name.

Search by:

  • Common or scientific name
  • Genus
  • Family (can be listed by common family name first)

    Family scientific name – Common name

  • Location

The result is listed, and you can then click on the plant name to get more information about the species. Alternatively, get an overview of the plants in each collection by choosing an Location.

You can also use the Map to zoom into locations and identify individual plants.

To see a complete list of all taxa (plant species) by scientific names, click on Names.


The map shows information about areas and places of interest in the garden.

  • Search by name or type to view a subset of the features (bench, sculpture, information points)
  • Click on a map marker to view more information.


  • Select a tour from the dropdown list. The tour will then be shown in a list and on the map.
  • Click on an item in the list or click a map marker to view further information.

These options are also accessible with a Smartphone or Tablet-PC via mobile internet when you walk through the Botanical Garden.

Field Definitions and resources

For each Taxon (plant species) the database contains the following fields of data:

Scientific name and Family

Nomenclature in this website is based on the following references:

Common name

Common names are recorded in English and Spanish (when available). Spanish common names references are:


Native habitat range of plant species. For cultivars, the distribution is “cultivated.” References:


Brief topographic and vegetative descriptions of plant’s occurrence locally in New Mexico (when available) and across broader landscapes. Does not apply to cultivars. References:

  • Allred, K.W. and R.D. Ivey. 2012. Flora Neomexicana III: An Illustrated Identification Manual.


This field is recorded as the coldest zone where the plant is still hardy. References include other online plant databases, nurseries, and our local horticultural experts. For more information see USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map, 2012. Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture. Accessed from http://planthardiness.ars.usda.gov.

Life form

The characteristic shape, appearance, or growth form of a plant species.


Brief description of plant morphology, growth habit, and other characteristics and traits. Also information on disease resistance or susceptibility when relevant.

Occurrence in New Mexico

Reference: Allred, K.W. and R.D. Ivey. 2012. Flora Neomexicana III: An Illustrated Identification Manual.

Growing Conditions

Summarized research and information on growing requirements, planting and care.

Invasive/Aggressive characteristics



We include links (when available) to resources such as:


Photographs included in this website were taken mainly by garden staff and volunteers. Special recognition to:

  • Janice Tucker – plant photography, collection, mounting, and digitizing of herbarium vouchers.
  • Helen Woody – collection and mounting of herbarium vouchers.


The plant database and Garden Explorer are an ongoing effort greatly supported by dedicated volunteers. Special recognition for their hundreds of hours of work by Donita Frazier, Janet Hirons, Sylvan Kaufman, Joy Mandelbaum, Norman Marks, Dan Roller and Janice Tucker.

Living Collections Management

Santa Fe Botanical Garden’s plant database and Garden Explorer uses IrisBG software.

For plant database or collections questions or further information, please contact Cristina Salvador, Director of Science and Communication.

This project was made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services, Museums for America Grant: Collections Stewardship MA-30-15-0499-15.