Date: Saturday, April 26, 2025
Time: 10:00am to 12pm
Location: Meet at 10am in front of Botanical Garden Visitor Center
FREE! No registration required. Admission to Botanical Garden not included.
Come join us for a morning nature walk along the trails of Arroyo de los Pinos and participate in a global effort of documenting biodiversity! Santa Fe Botanical Garden and the Santa Fe Chapter of the New Mexico Native Plant Society will be co-leading how to use the iNaturalist app and getting you started on making observations in the wild. You will come away with a new appreciation of many new flora and fauna species and learn more about how to use apps to identify biodiversity.
City Nature Challenge 2025: Santa Fe Area project – results, events, resources, and more!
Download iNaturalist app for your smartphone before you arrive.
10:00am – Introduction to City Nature Challenge and iNaturalist. Tutorial for iNaturalist beginners.
10:15am – Guided nature walk along the Arroyo de los Pinos making observations of plant and insect diversity. Staff and volunteers will be present to help identify species and collect observations.
11:15am – Return walk back to starting point for results, compare identifications, and talk about diversity in the Santa Fe area.
11:45am – Final results and updates on the Nature Challenge!
Thanks to our partners who are helping organize and lead City Nature Challenge events: