Join us in Creating the David Salman Tribute Garden

Together with friends and family, the Santa Fe Botanical Garden is creating the David Salman Tribute Garden. Lauren Springer, will be designing and planting the garden featuring many of David’s noteworthy plant introductions. Join us in this exciting project to honor David Salman and his contribution to horticulture.

Founder of Santa Fe Greenhouses, High Country Gardens, and Waterwise Gardening, David Salman was a pioneer of sustainable gardening, passionate plant explorer, and charismatic storyteller. His commitment to cultivating a palette of beautiful waterwise plants transformed gardening in the American West.

Follow the Progress of the Garden

July 9th, 2024 – Revamping the Xeric “Hot Box”

In anticipation of adding a new collection of hardy cacti that will include many of David Salman’s cactus introductions, existing cacti in the Xeric Garden “Hot Box” were transplanted out or moved to pots for later planting. John Morris created a new rock terrace in the largest interior bed of the “Hot Box” to raise the cacti up for a more attractive setting and a better microclimate. Stop by and get a glimpse of the fabulous new rock terrace!

June 14th, 2024 – John Morris and his crew and SFBG volunteer Gary Donato carefully place the large boulders as Linda and Horticulture Assistant Noah Gapsis look on. Thank you John and team! (Photo: Lynn Walters)

April 19, 2024 – Designers Lauren Springer and Patrick Kirwin, distinguished stone mason and creator of SFBG’s stone architecture John Morris, and SFBG Horticulture Director Linda Churchill meet on site to discuss the next steps in design and installation of the David Salman Tribute Garden.

March 7th, 2024

Preparation of the site began with clearing the existing groundcover, gravel mulch, and select plant removals. We’ll be working with Benz Landscaping Biz (Ben Wheelan), on installing the irrigation for this zone.

Tribute Garden by Acclaimed Designer, Lauren Springer

Lauren Springer designs public and private plantings, including the WaterSmart Garden and Romantic Gardens at Denver Botanic Gardens, the Visitor’s Center native plantings at Chatfield Farms, and the Undaunted Garden and south hellstrip at the Gardens on Spring Creek in Fort Collins. She has written five books, including The Undaunted Garden and Plant-Driven Design. A pioneering designer of waterwise landscapes, she also seeks to create beauty and diversity with wildlife function. This commitment resulted in Audubon Society Habitat Hero designation for four of her design projects.