By Susan Waterman

Originally published March 2011 in Green Fire Times

The Biodynamic Farming and Gardening Association says: “Biodynamics is a type of organic farming that incorporates an understanding of ‘dynamic forces’ in nature not yet fully understood by science. By working creatively with these subtle energies, farmers and gardeners are able to significantly enhance the health of their farms and the quality and flavor of food.” Biodynamics is used globally, and has won wide recognition for “rescuing” the livelihoods of farmers in India, where so many have faced devastation from the unfortunate prescribed use of GMO (genetically modified organism) seeds. A talented garden designer, Maggie Lee of Santa Fe shared with me that part of her secret in creating sustainable and prolific flowering meadows and xeric perennial gardens is in the magic of her biodynamic compost laced with the “forces” of nature and loving preparation. Maggie’s 50-yard heaps of biodynamic compost generate the humus she uses for building living soil from the top down.

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