February 23, 2022
We need 2 to 4 adult volunteers to help us with the Youth Gardener Internship program in the Agricultural Terraces this year.

Student interns with cherries from the Orchard.
While the middle school and high school youth we engage do most of the gardening and harvesting work in the terraces each year, this year we need the assistance of several adults to ensure the program achieves its goals and learning objectives. The adults will work with Education Manager, Jeff Muse, and Head Gardener, Linda Churchill, to help guide and support the youth in their season-long gardening endeavors, in the following ways:
- help develop a planting plan and schedule for the year: this work will begin in early April, before the youth are actually engaged in the garden beginning in late April;
- help prepare the terrace beds for planting (likely working with the Museum Hill Garden Volunteers);
- assist the youth to implement the planting plan that’s developed, including helping to explain and show them the methods for planting, weeding, harvesting and cleanup;
- gently supervise the youth, helping them remain focused on and interested in the gardening tasks from session to session and over the season;
- help the youth, Jeff and Linda maintain the garden in an organized and tidy way, to encourage positive interest by visitors to the Garden; and
- adult volunteers may occasionally help with gardening tasks beyond what the youth gardeners can accomplish within their structured & limited time frame, especially during harvest season.
Additionally, the adult volunteers will be responsible for delivering harvested produce to Kitchen Angels within 24 hours of harvesting (harvested, to-be-delivered produce will be stored in the refrigerator in the large garden shed).
Volunteers should commit to be available April through October to help with the program, although we hope that with enough adults involved, vacations and other absences can be accommodated. Adults should plan to work regularly with the Youth Gardeners according to the following schedule:
- once a week mid-April through May, and September-October
- twice a week in summer months (Memorial Day to Labor Day)
Note: all adult volunteers do not have to attend every gardening session but at least one adult will be requested to attend each youth work day. All adult volunteers are requested to attend the Opening (April 24) and Closing (mid-September) days of the program.
Since the adult volunteers will be working closely with youth, we request that applicants be fully vaccinated against COVID, and submit to and pass a background check before being officially engaged.
Serving in these roles benefits the Garden, the Youth Gardeners, and the community, including Kitchen Angels. The adult volunteers make a meaningful impact at various levels, by sharing your expertise, demonstrating your commitment, displaying a positive attitude–which we know is an inherent requirement for all gardeners–and providing a visible commitment to plants, nature, the environment, vegetable gardening, and the youth of our community.
Please contact Jeff Muse (jeff@santafebotanicalgarden.org) or Linda Churchill (lindac@santafebotanicalgarden.org) if you are interested, or would like more information.